Establishment of a Mauritius-Egypt Trade Committee

Establishment of a Mauritius-Egypt Trade Committee

Establishment of a Mauritius-Egypt Trade Committee

Government has agreed to the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding with the Arab Republic of Egypt with the objective of establishing a Mauritius-Egypt Trade Committee (METC).  The main objectives of the METC will be to deepen bilateral ties between both countries and boosting inter-country trade, enhance collaboration in human resource development and capacity.

A joint action plan will be devised to assist in addressing obstacles in the priority areas that have been identified for cooperation.

It will be recalled that Egypt is already an important trading partner to Mauritius as per the below:

Imports from Egypt*


Exports to Egypt*


Mauritius USD 50.43 millions

(top imports include electrical/electronic products, edibles such as fruits, peels etc., animal products and vegetable fats and oils)

Circa USD 144,000

(top exports include sugars, machinery and crochet/textile apparels)

* Source: Trading Economics website