Who we are?

MITCO is a Trust and Corporate Services Group duly licensed by the Mauritius Financial Services Commission since 1993. MITCO Group is a subsidiary of CIEL Finance Limited, the finance cluster of CIEL Limited, a Mauritius-based diversified investment group listed on the Stock Exchange of Mauritius.

The MITCO Group has built a reputation for providing value added services which enables our clients to attain their goals and objectives.


Our Vision

To be a leader in business structuring and specialist provider of corporate, funds and private client services.


Our Mission

Being a partner to our clients, leveraging on our strong domain expertise in cross border investment, trading and special regulatory licenses and state of the art technological tools.


Our Objective

Adopting the highest standards in terms of risk management and compliance.

Corporate Governance

MITCO GROUP LTD (“MITCO”) has adopted Code of Ethics which highlights key areas we believe are crucial in doing business fairly and ethically:

  • Business integrity
  • Workplace culture
  • Data privacy
  • Reputation and goodwill
  • Environmental and social values

Board Committees

To assist the Board, the following committees have been set up:

  • The Audit and Risk Committee;
  • The Remuneration, Nomination and Corporate Governance Committee; &
  • The Projects & Procurement Committee.

Each committee has its own written terms of reference. Each committee conducts, as and when necessary, a review of the written terms of reference to keep track with the changing business environments and legislative requirements.


Our services are tailor-made for:

  • Corporates, Institutions, Funds
  • Entrepreneurs, Private clients and Family offices

Our main role is to guide our clients with their projects and provide reengineering and restructuring solutions adaptable to the changing environments, determining factors and time, to suit and match each and every client’s requirements and ambition.


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