Global Peace Index 2023 (GPI 2023): Mauritius ranks 1st in Sub-Saharan Africa
Global Peace Index 2023 (GPI 2023): Mauritius ranks 1st in Sub-Saharan Africa

September 29, 2023
Mauritius retains its position as the most peaceful country in Sub-Saharan Africa according to the GPI 2023 and it is ranked 23rd globally (GPI 2022: 1st in Sub-Saharan Africa and 28th Globally).
While Sub-Saharan Africa experienced an overall drop in its GPI 2023 score, Mauritius witnessed a slight improvement of 1.8% on its score owing to improvements in both the “Militarisation” and “Societal Safety and Security” domains.
Globally, a deterioration of 0.42% in the average level of country peacefulness was noted and this was driven mainly by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
The GPI 2023 is the flagship report produced by the Institute for Economics and Peace, a global think tank dedicated to developing metrics to analyse peace and to quantify its economic benefits. The GPI assesses 163 independent states and countries according to their level of peacefulness.
The level of peacefulness is calculated based on 3 main domains namely, “Ongoing Domestic & International conflict”, “Societal Safety & Security” and “Militarisation”, which are then further assessed on 23 qualitative and quantitative indicators.
To access the full GPI 2023 report, please click Here